Got a card from the Royal Mail in the letterbox today, informing us about their convenient new Christmas services. These include waiving collection charges for sorting office visits, longer opening hours over the Winterval period, and free redeliveries if you're out, etc. Pretty good stuff, i thought, although i wondered how they were funding such helpful new measures. Then i saw the back.


Gotta say, that's a pretty audacious way to raise money, alright, and especially around Christmas! i forsee an appeal on behalf of Father Christmas to (my favourite commission) the
Competition Commission.
MP3: Yoko, Oh No! — "
Reds for the Blue Sun"
MP3: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds — "
Red Right Hand (album)"
Royal Mail only own the trade mark on a certain shade of red, which is a legitimate trade mark. Other companies also own trademarks on certain colours.
yah, i figured that's what the actual answer was (cf. BP Green). but they didn't say that, which is what i found strange - they just said "the colour red".
file under "that's quite a claim".
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